Rust Program Structure
Solana programs written in Rust have minimal structural requirements, allowing
for flexibility in how code is organized. The only requirement is that a program
must have an entrypoint
, which defines where the execution of a program
Program Structure
While there are no strict rules for file structure, Solana programs typically follow a common pattern:
: Defines the entrypoint that routes incoming
: Define program-specific state (account data)
: Defines the instructions that the program can
: Defines the instruction handlers (functions) that implement the business logic for each
: Defines custom errors that the program can return.
You can find examples in the Solana Program Library.
Example Program
To demonstrate how to build a native Rust program with multiple instructions, we'll walk through a simple counter program that implements two instructions:
: Creates and initializes a new account with an initial value.IncrementCounter
: Increments the value stored in an existing account.
For simplicity, the program will be implemented in a single
though in practice you may want to split larger programs into multiple files.
Create a new Program
First, create a new Rust project using the standard cargo init
command with
the --lib
cargo init counter_program --lib
Navigate to the project directory. You should see the default src/
cd counter_program
Next, add the solana-program
dependency. This is the minimum dependency
required to build a Solana program.
cargo add solana-program@1.18.26
Next, add the following snippet to Cargo.toml
. If you don't include this
config, the target/deploy
directory will not be generated when you build the
[lib]crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"]
Your Cargo.toml
file should look like the following:
[package]name = "counter_program"version = "0.1.0"edition = "2021"[lib]crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"][dependencies]solana-program = "1.18.26"
Program Entrypoint
A Solana program entrypoint is the function that gets called when a program is invoked. The entrypoint has the following raw definition and developers are free to create their own implementation of the entrypoint function.
For simplicity, use the
macro from the solana_program
crate to define the entrypoint in your program.
#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn entrypoint(input: *mut u8) -> u64;
Replace the default code in
with the following code. This snippet:
- Imports the required dependencies from
- Defines the program entrypoint using the
macro - Implements the
function that will route instructions to the appropriate handler functions
use solana_program::{account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},entrypoint,entrypoint::ProgramResult,msg,program::invoke,program_error::ProgramError,pubkey::Pubkey,system_instruction,sysvar::{rent::Rent, Sysvar},};entrypoint!(process_instruction);pub fn process_instruction(program_id: &Pubkey,accounts: &[AccountInfo],instruction_data: &[u8],) -> ProgramResult {// Your program logicOk(())}
The entrypoint!
macro requires a function with the the following
type signature
as an argument:
pub type ProcessInstruction =fn(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo], instruction_data: &[u8]) -> ProgramResult;
When a Solana program is invoked, the entrypoint
input data
(provided as bytes) into three values and passes them to the
: The public key of the program being invoked (current program)accounts
: TheAccountInfo
for accounts required by the instruction being invokedinstruction_data
: Additional data passed to the program which specifies the instruction to execute and its required arguments
These three parameters directly correspond to the data that clients must provide when building an instruction to invoke a program.
Define Program State
When building a Solana program, you'll typically start by defining your program's state - the data that will be stored in accounts created and owned by your program.
Program state is defined using Rust structs that represent the data layout of your program's accounts. You can define multiple structs to represent different types of accounts for your program.
When working with accounts, you need a way to convert your program's data types to and from the raw bytes stored in an account's data field:
- Serialization: Converting your data types into bytes to store in an account's data field
- Deserialization: Converting the bytes stored in an account back into your data types
While you can use any serialization format for Solana program development, Borsh is commonly used. To use Borsh in your Solana program:
- Add the
crate as a dependency to yourCargo.toml
cargo add borsh
- Import the Borsh traits and use the derive macro to implement the traits for your structs:
use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize};// Define struct representing our counter account's data#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]pub struct CounterAccount {count: u64,}
Add the CounterAccount
struct to
to define the program state. This
struct will be used in both the initialization and increment instructions.
use solana_program::{account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},entrypoint,entrypoint::ProgramResult,msg,program::invoke,program_error::ProgramError,pubkey::Pubkey,system_instruction,sysvar::{rent::Rent, Sysvar},};use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize};entrypoint!(process_instruction);pub fn process_instruction(program_id: &Pubkey,accounts: &[AccountInfo],instruction_data: &[u8],) -> ProgramResult {// Your program logicOk(())}#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]pub struct CounterAccount {count: u64,}
Define Instructions
Instructions refer to the different operations that your Solana program can perform. Think of them as public APIs for your program - they define what actions users can take when interacting with your program.
Instructions are typically defined using a Rust enum where:
- Each enum variant represents a different instruction
- The variant's payload represents the instruction's parameters
Note that Rust enum variants are implicitly numbered starting from 0.
Below is an example of an enum defining two instructions:
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]pub enum CounterInstruction {InitializeCounter { initial_value: u64 }, // variant 0IncrementCounter, // variant 1}
When a client invokes your program, they must provide instruction data (as a buffer of bytes) where:
- The first byte identifies which instruction variant to execute (0, 1, etc.)
- The remaining bytes contain the serialized instruction parameters (if required)
To convert the instruction data (bytes) into a variant of the enum, it is common to implement a helper method. This method:
- Splits the first byte to get the instruction variant
- Matches on the variant and parses any additional parameters from the remaining bytes
- Returns the corresponding enum variant
For example, the unpack
method for the CounterInstruction
impl CounterInstruction {pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {// Get the instruction variant from the first bytelet (&variant, rest) = input.split_first().ok_or(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData)?;// Match instruction type and parse the remaining bytes based on the variantmatch variant {0 => {// For InitializeCounter, parse a u64 from the remaining byteslet initial_value = u64::from_le_bytes(rest.try_into().map_err(|_| ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData)?);Ok(Self::InitializeCounter { initial_value })}1 => Ok(Self::IncrementCounter), // No additional data needed_ => Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData),}}}
Add the following code to
to define the instructions for the counter
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};use solana_program::{account_info::AccountInfo, entrypoint, entrypoint::ProgramResult, msg,program_error::ProgramError, pubkey::Pubkey,};entrypoint!(process_instruction);pub fn process_instruction(program_id: &Pubkey,accounts: &[AccountInfo],instruction_data: &[u8],) -> ProgramResult {// Your program logicOk(())}#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]pub enum CounterInstruction {InitializeCounter { initial_value: u64 }, // variant 0IncrementCounter, // variant 1}impl CounterInstruction {pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {// Get the instruction variant from the first bytelet (&variant, rest) = input.split_first().ok_or(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData)?;// Match instruction type and parse the remaining bytes based on the variantmatch variant {0 => {// For InitializeCounter, parse a u64 from the remaining byteslet initial_value = u64::from_le_bytes(rest.try_into().map_err(|_| ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData)?,);Ok(Self::InitializeCounter { initial_value })}1 => Ok(Self::IncrementCounter), // No additional data needed_ => Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData),}}}
Instruction Handlers
Instruction handlers refer to the functions that contain the business logic for
each instruction. It's common to name handler functions as
, but you're free to choose any naming convention.
Add the following code to
. This code uses the CounterInstruction
and unpack
method defined in the previous step to route incoming instructions
to the appropriate handler functions:
entrypoint!(process_instruction);pub fn process_instruction(program_id: &Pubkey,accounts: &[AccountInfo],instruction_data: &[u8],) -> ProgramResult {// Unpack instruction datalet instruction = CounterInstruction::unpack(instruction_data)?;// Match instruction typematch instruction {CounterInstruction::InitializeCounter { initial_value } => {process_initialize_counter(program_id, accounts, initial_value)?}CounterInstruction::IncrementCounter => process_increment_counter(program_id, accounts)?,};}fn process_initialize_counter(program_id: &Pubkey,accounts: &[AccountInfo],initial_value: u64,) -> ProgramResult {// Implementation details...Ok(())}fn process_increment_counter(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {// Implementation details...Ok(())}
Next, add the implementation of the process_initialize_counter
function. This
instruction handler:
- Creates and allocates space for a new account to store the counter data
- Initializing the account data with
passed to the instruction
// Initialize a new counter accountfn process_initialize_counter(program_id: &Pubkey,accounts: &[AccountInfo],initial_value: u64,) -> ProgramResult {let accounts_iter = &mut accounts.iter();let counter_account = next_account_info(accounts_iter)?;let payer_account = next_account_info(accounts_iter)?;let system_program = next_account_info(accounts_iter)?;// Size of our counter accountlet account_space = 8; // Size in bytes to store a u64// Calculate minimum balance for rent exemptionlet rent = Rent::get()?;let required_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(account_space);// Create the counter accountinvoke(&system_instruction::create_account(payer_account.key, // Account paying for the new accountcounter_account.key, // Account to be createdrequired_lamports, // Amount of lamports to transfer to the new accountaccount_space as u64, // Size in bytes to allocate for the data fieldprogram_id, // Set program owner to our program),&[payer_account.clone(),counter_account.clone(),system_program.clone(),],)?;// Create a new CounterAccount struct with the initial valuelet counter_data = CounterAccount {count: initial_value,};// Get a mutable reference to the counter account's datalet mut account_data = &mut[..];// Serialize the CounterAccount struct into the account's datacounter_data.serialize(&mut account_data)?;msg!("Counter initialized with value: {}", initial_value);Ok(())}
Next, add the implementation of the process_increment_counter
function. This
instruction increments the value of an existing counter account.
// Update an existing counter's valuefn process_increment_counter(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {let accounts_iter = &mut accounts.iter();let counter_account = next_account_info(accounts_iter)?;// Verify account ownershipif counter_account.owner != program_id {return Err(ProgramError::IncorrectProgramId);}// Mutable borrow the account datalet mut data =;// Deserialize the account data into our CounterAccount structlet mut counter_data: CounterAccount = CounterAccount::try_from_slice(&data)?;// Increment the counter valuecounter_data.count = counter_data.count.checked_add(1).ok_or(ProgramError::InvalidAccountData)?;// Serialize the updated counter data back into the accountcounter_data.serialize(&mut &mut data[..])?;msg!("Counter incremented to: {}", counter_data.count);Ok(())}
Instruction Testing
To test the program instructions, add the following dependencies to
cargo add solana-program-test@1.18.26 --devcargo add solana-sdk@1.18.26 --devcargo add tokio --dev
Then add the following test module to
and run cargo test-sbf
execute the tests. Optionally, use the --nocapture
flag to see the print
statements in the output.
cargo test-sbf -- --nocapture
#[cfg(test)]mod test {use super::*;use solana_program_test::*;use solana_sdk::{instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction},signature::{Keypair, Signer},system_program,transaction::Transaction,};#[tokio::test]async fn test_counter_program() {let program_id = Pubkey::new_unique();let (mut banks_client, payer, recent_blockhash) = ProgramTest::new("counter_program",program_id,processor!(process_instruction),).start().await;// Create a new keypair to use as the address for our counter accountlet counter_keypair = Keypair::new();let initial_value: u64 = 42;// Step 1: Initialize the counterprintln!("Testing counter initialization...");// Create initialization instructionlet mut init_instruction_data = vec![0]; // 0 = initialize instructioninit_instruction_data.extend_from_slice(&initial_value.to_le_bytes());let initialize_instruction = Instruction::new_with_bytes(program_id,&init_instruction_data,vec![AccountMeta::new(counter_keypair.pubkey(), true),AccountMeta::new(payer.pubkey(), true),AccountMeta::new_readonly(system_program::id(), false),],);// Send transaction with initialize instructionlet mut transaction =Transaction::new_with_payer(&[initialize_instruction], Some(&payer.pubkey()));transaction.sign(&[&payer, &counter_keypair], recent_blockhash);banks_client.process_transaction(transaction).await.unwrap();// Check account datalet account = banks_client.get_account(counter_keypair.pubkey()).await.expect("Failed to get counter account");if let Some(account_data) = account {let counter: CounterAccount = CounterAccount::try_from_slice(&"Failed to deserialize counter data");assert_eq!(counter.count, 42);println!("✅ Counter initialized successfully with value: {}",counter.count);}// Step 2: Increment the counterprintln!("Testing counter increment...");// Create increment instructionlet increment_instruction = Instruction::new_with_bytes(program_id,&[1], // 1 = increment instructionvec![AccountMeta::new(counter_keypair.pubkey(), true)],);// Send transaction with increment instructionlet mut transaction =Transaction::new_with_payer(&[increment_instruction], Some(&payer.pubkey()));transaction.sign(&[&payer, &counter_keypair], recent_blockhash);banks_client.process_transaction(transaction).await.unwrap();// Check account datalet account = banks_client.get_account(counter_keypair.pubkey()).await.expect("Failed to get counter account");if let Some(account_data) = account {let counter: CounterAccount = CounterAccount::try_from_slice(&"Failed to deserialize counter data");assert_eq!(counter.count, 43);println!("✅ Counter incremented successfully to: {}", counter.count);}}}
Example output:
running 1 test[2024-10-29T20:51:13.783708000Z INFO solana_program_test] "counter_program" SBF program from /counter_program/target/deploy/, modified 2 seconds, 169 ms, 153 µs and 461 ns ago[2024-10-29T20:51:13.855204000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 1111111QLbz7JHiBTspS962RLKV8GndWFwiEaqKM invoke [1][2024-10-29T20:51:13.856052000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [2][2024-10-29T20:51:13.856135000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success[2024-10-29T20:51:13.856242000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program log: Counter initialized with value: 42[2024-10-29T20:51:13.856285000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 1111111QLbz7JHiBTspS962RLKV8GndWFwiEaqKM consumed 3791 of 200000 compute units[2024-10-29T20:51:13.856307000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 1111111QLbz7JHiBTspS962RLKV8GndWFwiEaqKM success[2024-10-29T20:51:13.860038000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 1111111QLbz7JHiBTspS962RLKV8GndWFwiEaqKM invoke [1][2024-10-29T20:51:13.860333000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program log: Counter incremented to: 43[2024-10-29T20:51:13.860355000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 1111111QLbz7JHiBTspS962RLKV8GndWFwiEaqKM consumed 756 of 200000 compute units[2024-10-29T20:51:13.860375000Z DEBUG solana_runtime::message_processor::stable_log] Program 1111111QLbz7JHiBTspS962RLKV8GndWFwiEaqKM successtest test::test_counter_program ... oktest result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.08s
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