Solana CookbookDevelopment

Subscribing to Events

Websockets provide a pub/sub interface where you can listen for certain events. Instead of pinging a typical HTTP endpoint at an interval to get frequent updates, you can instead receive those updates only when they happen.

Solana's web3 Connection under the hood generates a websocket endpoint and registers a websocket client when you create a new Connection instance (see source code here).

The Connection class exposes pub/sub methods - they all start with on, like event emitters. When you call these listener methods, it registers a new subscription to the websocket client of that Connection instance. The example pub/sub method we use below is onAccountChange. The callback will provide the updated state data through arguments (see AccountChangeCallback as an example).

import { clusterApiUrl, Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";
(async () => {
// Establish new connect to devnet - websocket client connected to devnet will also be registered here
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
// Create a test wallet to listen to
const wallet = Keypair.generate();
// Register a callback to listen to the wallet (ws subscription)
(updatedAccountInfo, context) =>
console.log("Updated account info: ", updatedAccountInfo),

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