Basic Anchor Programs

This is a beta version of the Solana Toolkit, and is still a WIP. Please post all feedback as a GitHub issue here.

anchor init <project_name>


This initializes a simplistic workspace set up for Anchor program development, with the following structure:

  • Anchor.toml: Anchor configuration file.
  • Cargo.toml: Rust workspace configuration file.
  • package.json: JavaScript dependencies file.
  • programs/: Directory for Solana program crates.
  • app/: Directory for your application frontend.
  • tests/: Directory for JavaScript integration tests.
  • migrations/deploy.js: Deploy script.

The Anchor framework abstracts away many complexities enabling fast program development.

Build and Test

To test out this project before making any modifications, just build and test:

anchor build
anchor test

To start writing your own Anchor program, navigate to programs/src/

File Structure Template

For more complex programs, using a more structured project template would be the best practice. This can be generated with:

anchor init --template multiple

Which creates the following layout inside of programs/src:

├── instructions
└── state

For project file structure best practices, review this document.

Additional Resources

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