How to Create a Keypair

Any transaction on the Solana blockchain requires a vaid signature from the signing keypair or wallet. If you are connecting to a wallet, you do not need to worry about the keypair. Otherwise a keypair must be generated for signing transactions.

For most "signing" operations, you will need a KeyPairSigner instance, which can be used to sign transactions and messages. To generate a random KeyPairSigner:

import { generateKeyPairSigner } from "gill";
// non-extractable and more secure keypair
const signer = await generateKeyPairSigner();
console.log("address: ", signer.address);

Extractable keypair

Extractable keypairs are less secure and should not be used unless you REALLY need to save the key for some reason. Since there are a few useful cases for saving these keypairs, gill contains a separate explicit function to generate these extractable keypairs:

import { generateExtractableKeyPairSigner } from "gill";
// extractable and less secure keypair
const extractableSigner = await generateExtractableKeyPairSigner();
console.log("address: ", extractableSigner.address);

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